Tuesday, September 10, 2024

All Downhill from Here

At our work party on Sunday September 8th we carried on from the previous work party to complete the clearance of the path from the bridge down to the ride past the allotments towards post 2. We had reached the pylon last time so it was all downhill from there.

You can see that the path was getting narrower as the grass and other vegetation encroached.

Andy and Eric started at the top then worked their way downhill.

Alan R and Chris began at the bottom and worked uphill. 
I went to the middle and did some uphill, and some downhill. 

When Chris had finished his section at the bottom of the hill he came up to help me finish the middle bit, and join up with 'down hillers'. Alan R finished off the bits left by the BT volunteers the previous Thursday.

Before long the the two sections met and we had a complete path again. Some strenuous work on a sunny morning to achieve our objective. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Scything in the Rain

Yesterday, Thursday 5th September, we were helped by five volunteers from BT who came to help us as part of their company volunteering scheme. The area between the allotments and the path has a lot of bracken and other vegetation growing on it. We removed a lot of this earlier this year in May but it has regrown and it was time to cut it back again. It had rained a lot overnight, and there was still some rain falling but even though the BT volunteers hadn't used scythes before they were keen to give it a go.

This was the rather daunting sight we started off with.

After some scything tuition they set to and soon made progress.

The rain had returned but they didn't give up and kept at it.

They mowed and raked then dragged the arisings off and put them in the pit. While they worked the rain kept falling and became quite heavy ...

... but they didn't stop and kept going until the job was done.

It was a marvellous effort and we were so impressed by their hard work and cheerfulness in such awful weather conditions. Well done girls, BT should be proud of you.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Clearing a Path

At the work party last Wednesday 28th August we spent a lot more time clearing some of the grass blocking the path from the bridge uphill towards the pylon, then down to the path alongside the allotments. This is usually cut by the South Gloucester mowing team but unfortunately their mowing machine is still out of order. We can't just leave the grass because it will fill up the paths and open areas. So, we got the scythes out again and started to mow and rake.

This is looking down the path towards the bridge ...

... and this is looking back up the path from the bridge. You can see how the grass and other vegetation is encroaching over the path.

We began with the section from the bridge leading up to the meadow area. Chris, Mike and Eric opened up this bit and access is now much easier for walkers.

Next door, further up the path, Lorraine, Peter, Alan R and Dendy are making progress ...

... and getting closer to the top of this slope.

Meanwhile, Erika has forged on ahead and is making good progress.

After a morning of hard work the path to the bridge is clear ...

... and we nearly reached the pylon. More to be done but that will keep for another day.