At the last two work parties - the end of last month and yesterday on Sunday 11th August, we spent a lot of time clearing some of our grass. This is usually cut by the South Gloucester mowing team but unfortunately their mowing machine is out of order. We can't just leave the grass because it will fill up the paths and open areas. So, we got the scythes out again and started to mow and rake.
We started here in the Welcome Area at the entrance to the woods from the field next to the Leisure Centre
The grass was cut down and raked off to one side then ...
carried away by pitchfork ....
and dumped in one of our grass pits.
We worked our way around the Welcome Area
Until all was done. A good morning's work.
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Yesterday, Sunday 11th August, we continued this clearing work up at the Jubilee Way. This is a 17 mile long path that starts at Aust by the Severn Bridge and ends at Old Sudbury near the Cotswolds. On its way it passes through Filnore Woods and it's part of our job to keep it clear for walkers.
The section we needed to deal with was the eastern end as it leaves Filnore by a kissing gate.
This is looking back from the kissing gate into the woods ...
... and this is looking the other way where Erika is making a start.
Here, Alan R is cutting down the thicker vegetation at the edge which will cover the path if we don't clear it away.
It was getting quite warm by mid morning so we stopped for some water and checked on the progress so far.
We carried on after our break and before long the path could be seen beyond the kissing gate ...
... and back down along the hedgerow into the woods. Plenty of room now for anyone walking along the Jubilee Way.