Saturday, August 17, 2024

Erika's August Flowers


It was very hot scything on the Jubilee Way today, August 11th. It had been getting overgrown with nettles, thistles, blackthorn and formidable brambles. The blackberries were ripe, juicy and tasty.

The photos show flowers from the meadow area near the Jubilee Way.

Knapweed, a thistle type flower.

Rose Bay Willow Herb, in which each plant can produce 80,000 seeds attached to tiny parachutes. They can disperse over long distances, which helps them colonise waste ground.

Old Man's Beard, the native clematis.

In this photo there is a Teasel, Wild Carrot and Ragwort.

And finally, this photo shows a Cinnabar Moth caterpillar, which only feeds on Ragwort.

All photos by Erika Booth

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